In the beginning... "Donkin" and "Dona"
My earliest recollection of seeing people who were “different” from others I could see was when I was infant. I was in my crib and can remember an older man and older woman looking over the side of the crib and smiling at me. They were a little transparent, not solid-looking like my parents and grandparents were. I could see auras, and their’s looked different from my parents’ auras as well. This couple’s auras were whitish with gold flecks, and as I reached out to touch their auras I felt pure love emanating from them. Of course, I didn’t know the term aura, or even that most people cannot see them. I did, however, understand that this couple were very different from people I was used to seeing daily. It never occurred to me to be afraid. All I knew was this couple were so happy and were constantly smiling at me, and that their love was palpable. I knew without hearing them speak that he was known as “Donkin” and she was known as “Dona”. I saw them many times over the next few years and knew they loved me very much.
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